Cyber Security Elements by NSS




WD’s My Cloud personal cloud drives, available now in China in capacities of 2 TB, 3 TB and 4 TB, enable consumers to organize, centralize and secure the digital content from all of their computers and mobile devices and access those files from any device and from anywhere in the world. WD’s My Cloud EX4 high-performance four-bay network attached storage (NAS) solution, available now in China in 0 TB, 8 TB, 12 TB or 16 TB1 capacities, provides creative professionals, prosumers and workgroups a reliable way to save, share, back up, stream and manage massive amounts of digital data. The Baidu Yun service is a leading public cloud storage service provider with more than 100 million users. Consumers and businesses store content on Baidu Yun for easy access and sharing from any computer or mobile device.

The collaboration between WD and Baidu will enable Chinese customers to manage their Baidu Yun account and easily transfer files between their My Cloud or My Cloud EX4 device and Baidu Yun using WD’s My Cloud mobile apps for iOS and Android operating systems. Baidu and WD customers will also be able to back up their local content to Baidu Yun, as well as backup their Baidu Yun account to their local storage using WD SmartWare™ Pro software.

“The growth of Baidu and its public cloud storage and services in China has been spectacular; it’s a pleasure to collaborate with them,” said Jim Welsh, executive vice president, Branded Products and worldwide sales. ”The integration of Baidu Yun with our personal cloud and external storage platforms gives our mutual customers the best of all worlds – the ability to keep content safe at home, while backing  up and sharing with friends on Baidu Yun.”

“Baidu aims to provide the best way for people to access their valuable content, regardless of their location,” said Hou Zhenyu, chief architect of Baidu Yun. “WD is a leader in high-capacity local storage, and integrating our public cloud storage service with WD’s platform gives our customers a compelling hybrid cloud storage solution – the best of both public cloud storage and personal cloud storage.”

You can read the original article here.



In the spirit of sharing our knowledge, we’d like to show you a pretty great infographic that explains in visual format how a web attack works. As you can see in the infographic below, a web attack happens in five stages, and this whole process takes less than a second. The web is the number one source of malware (a term that combines “malicious” and “software”), and the majority of these malware threats come from what is called a drive-by download.

5 Stages of a Web Attack

The term drive-by download describes how malware can infect your computer simply by visiting a website that is running malicious code (Stage 1: entry point).

Most of the time, these are legitimate websites that have been compromised to redirect you to another site controlled by the hackers (Stage 2: distribution).

Today’s cybercriminals use sophisticated malware packaged in an “exploit kit” that can find a vulnerability in your software among thousands of possibilities.

When your browser is redirected to the site hosting an exploit kit, it probes your operating system, web browser and other software (such as your PDF reader or video player) to find a security vulnerability that it can attack (Stage 3: exploit).

Remember — if you are not applying security updates to your operating system and software, you are unprotected against these exploits.

Once the exploit kit has identified a vulnerability, that is where Stage 4: infection begins. In the infection phase of an attack, the exploit kit downloads what is known as a “payload,” which is the malware that installs itself on your computer.

Finally, in Stage 5: execution, the malware does what it was designed to do, which is mainly to make money for its masters.

The malware known as Zbot can access your email or bank accounts. Another type of payload called ransomware can hold your files hostage until you pay to have them released.

This kind of attack happens all the time. But you don’t have to be a victim. Download our checklist of technology, tools and tactics for effective web protection to find out how you can protect your organization from malware attacks at every step of the way. You should also check out our free whitepaper explaining how malware works and offering tips to help you stop it: Five Stages of a Web Malware Attack. (Registration required). 

You can read the original article here.



Of course, it isn’t just film stars who have sensitive data on their Apple devices – employees will often have corporate data on their iPhones and iPads while home users may also have their personal pictures and videos stored on their iOS device.

With that in mind, here are 3 tips to help keep your photos and other data safe:

1. Use a strong password

This is an easy one – it’s important to make sure you use a strong, unique password for your iCloud account, especially as Apple hasn’t yet enabled two-step verification for iCloud. To do this, make the new password long (minimum 14 characters), avoid using real words and switch between UPPER, lower, d1g1t5 and //@ckies. If you have trouble remembering such a complex password, consider using a password manager.

And while we’re here, make sure you use unique passwords for every account on every website that you use. It’s important because if someone gains access to one of your accounts, they can only access that one – not every account you own.

2. Limit what you backup to iCloud

iCloud SettingsNow is a good time to check what exactly is being backed up to your own iCloud account. Go to Settings on your device and then select iCloud. Here you will see a list of all the apps on your device that are being backed up to the cloud. Each can be individually toggled on or off. You need to decide for yourself as to what you want to backup – for example, you may decide to not backup your Photos (especially if they’re a little risque), but keep backing up your Mail and Documents & Data.

It’s a case of weighing up the risk of losing or bricking your device, versus the risk of having your information stolen through the cloud. Of course, there’s always the option of…

3. Turn iCloud off and backup locally

If you feel that the risk of having your iCloud storage hacked outweighs the convenience of the service then you may wish to delete your account entirely. Doing so is very easy. Go to Settings on your iDevice and then select iCloud. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen and you will see the option to Delete Account. Of course, that means your device will no longer be backed up, so you’ll need an alternative means of backing up your data. Fortunately, you have that with Apple’s iTunes which offers a manual alternative.

To backup with iTunes:

1. Make sure your computer has the latest version of iTunes

2. Connect your iOS device to your computer

3. Choose File, then Devices and Back up.

If you decide to backup your devices this way, remember to continue backing up on a regular basis. 

You can read the original article, here.



Best in Biz Awards, the only independent business award program judged by members of the press and industry analysts.

The Arkeia Network Backup Suite comprises Arkeia Software’s line of backup-and-restore solutions. Administrators can deploy Arkeia’s backup servers as software applications, hardware appliances or virtual appliances. Arkeia Software protects both virtual and physical environments and manages backups to disk, to tape, and to the cloud.

For more information click here



new Router Utility app. Ready when you are, wherever you are, the Router Utility app gives you instant insight into device status, events, bandwidth usage, and more. And with full support for push notifications, you’ll know immediately whenever there’s an important status change or performance issue, helping you to keep small glitches from becoming major problems.

For more information click here



for next-generation networks.

Bandwidth management using deep packet inspection (DPI) is a relatively new field for enterprises or carriers / network operators. Ipoque technology can help solve many of the issues that arise from growing user numbers generating ever more traffic with a large variety of new applications. PRX Traffic Manager solutions detect applications with a combination of layer-7 deep packet inspection (DPI) and behavioral traffic analysis. The integrated quality-of-service (QoS) management allows prioritization, shaping and blocking of classified traffic.

Click here to watch the webinar



latest threat trends as well as tips for fighting back and keeping your people and devices secure.

In the past year cybercriminals found ways to attack new platforms from Android to cloud services. And Sophos saw a resurgence of old malware techniques with new twists. Hackers got smarter and better organized, developing better ways to spread their crime packs and to evade detection.

Fortunately, Sophos security experts at SophosLabs are always on the case.

Download your free copy of the 2013 Security Threat Report here
Playlist of Threat Report videos here
Check out Sophos 2013 security trend predictions here



will be called BasicGuard; this will target smaller businesses giving them all the essential features of a market leading UTM at an affordable price.

What is Sophos launching?

Sophos is launching three new components:

1) Two new entry level appliance bundles UTM 100 and UTM 110 with Basic Guard Subscription. Both are based on the existing Sophos UTM110/120 hardware. BasicGuard is the only feature bundle available for UTM100 and also available as an alternative option for UTM110.

2) With customers connecting more and more devices to their network Sophos is removing the 10 IP/user limitations of the UTM110 and introducing a throughput limitation instead, which is different for UTM100, 110 and 120 (hence depending on the license type while all using the same hardware).

3) A price reduction for UTM110 FullGuard.

Furthermore, BasicGuard contains:

  • Web Application Control
  • Network Firewall & IPS
  • Remote Access and VPN
  • Wireless Protection
  • Web Antivirus and URL filter
  • Email Antivirus and Antispam


Vendor Landscape Report entitled, “Vendor Landscape: Application Delivery Controllers: It’s a Lot More than Just Load Balancing”.

The report assessed the strengths and weaknesses of 10 leading application delivery controller (ADC) vendors. Array received a high score in the “Innovator” category based on its features for support and migration toward IPv6 before much of the competition and for being on the leading edge of SSL acceleration, offering 2048 bit encryption.

Array’s AppVelocity server load balancing appliances optimize the availability, security and performance of enterprise applications, IP data services and data center equipment. Powered by Array SpeedCore™, AppVelocity server load balancing appliances leverage parallel multi-core processing to achieve breakthrough scalability and performance for application delivery.  Available on Array’s APV Series Application Delivery Controller hardware and engineered for modern datacenter, cloud and virtual environments, AppVelocity server load balancing appliances boost application performance and speed return-on-investment from the small enterprise to the large service provider.

For more information click here



improved economics for protection of private and public clouds.

Powered by Array’s award-winning 64-bit SpeedCore platform, the new product gives enterprises and service providers the ability to run Array’s proven AG Series secure access gateways as virtual machines on commodity servers running VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer or OpenXen hypervisors.

Each vxAG Virtual Secure Access Gateway supports all of the features and functions found on Array’s dedicated hardware AG 1000 Series secure access gateways. Available for 64-bit versions of VMware ESXi 4.1 or later, XenServer 5.6 or later and OpenXen 4.0 or later, the vxAG Virtual Secure Access Gateway gives enterprises and service providers the agility and flexibility to create and offer dynamic secure access services.

For more information click here



adding more bandwidth.

ipoque announced that four more large enterprises have finally said “enough” with adding more bandwidth to solve their open-loop problem of trying to meet their continuous thirst for more throughput. These companies instead turned to ipoque to improve the performance of their traffic by better monitoring and managing their networks.

ipoque’s new white paper illustrates the advantages of a multi-tier architecture of loosely coupled, well-integrated systems that is extensible, flexible and scalable enough to meet present and future challenges of network operators. The document regards the technical background and explains the functions of each network component, focusing mainly on the policy enforcement system.

Fo more information click here



adds new features like dual-band wireless for even greater range, reliability, and speed.

Manage from Anywhere
Like all AP One series products, the AP One 300M offers anywhere, anytime remote management via the InControl cloud-based management platform. And starting with Firmware 5.4, Balance users can centrally manage up to 20 AP One devices for free with the Balance’s built-in WLAN Controller.

Deliver Wi-Fi Everywhere
The AP One 300M also features two Gigabit Ethernet WAN ports and a 2.4GHz/5GHz 802.11a/b/g/n radio for more flexibility and speed, as well as greater signal coverage and reliability.



 enables IT departments to monitor the power flowing into racks and the environmental conditions in and around those racks.

iMeter can monitor up to 600 of the following sensors from a single IP address:

  • Current (Amps) using our unique intelliAmp® current sensor
  • Voltage
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Airflow
  • Water Leak
  • Security (door contact or motion)
  • Smoke

The unique combination of the sensors on offer means that IT and Facilites personnel can analyse the relationships between power usage, airflow and temperature to help assist data centre management decisions relating to cost control and reduction. The design of the Jacarta Go-Probe sensors enables the complete system to be implemented with zero downtime. The intelliAmp current sensor can be clipped to the outside of 16 and 32 Amp power cables to monitor the True RMS current draw of single phase racks without any need to disrupt the power flowing into those racks something absolutely necessary when PDU (Power Distribution Units) are to be used.

Click here to discover the key benefits of Jacarta iMeter



providing more information on the Peplink Balance, Pepwave MAX, Pepwave Outdoor Wi-Fi, and other category-leading networking solutions.

Event Details – Peplink’s Booth

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai International Convention and Exchibition Centre
ZL-C5, Zabeel Hall
14 – 18 October 2012




wireless networks we could find. The results will amaze you.
Searching for wireless networks by car is known as wardriving, while our Project Warbike analyzing Wi-Fi security throughout London was a greener experiment (and surely faster). We found that unsecured wireless networks are still an issue that needs tackling. Of the nearly 107,000 wireless networks we surveyed, we discovered that 27% have poor, or no, security.

Click here to learn how UTM Wireless Protection can simplify the operation and security of your wireless network.



devices attached to computers directly from the UTM. There are hundreds of thousands of pieces of new malware detected every day by SophosLabs. Nearly all of these threats are targeted at computers browsing the web and plugging in devices. Sophos UTM Endpoint Protection helps you easily deploy our antivirus software to your computers and set policies to keep them safe wherever and however they’re connected. We also let you control which devices can be connected to these computers as well as controlling intrusions to your terminals (HIPS).

For more information click here



OpenBSD and Ubuntu.

These ten platforms represent a fraction of the over 200 platforms protected by Arkeia Network Backup which include Windows, Mac, Linux, Netware, Solaris, AIX, BSD, and HP-UX operating systems and derivatives, as well as VMware, Hyper-V, and Xen virtual environments.

Availability Schedules

Recent and upcoming deliveries of platform support include:
Ubuntu 12.04 backup servers and agents were delivered in April 2012
Fedora 17 backup servers and agents were delivered in May 2012
OpenBSD 5.1 backup servers and agents were delivered in May 2012
Mac OS X 10.8 backup agents will be delivered in August 2012
Windows Server 2012 media servers and backup agents will be delivered in September 2012
Windows 8 backup agents will be delivered in September 2012
Open Enterprise Server 11 SP1 backup servers and agents will be delivered in September 2012
openSUSE 12.2 backup servers and agents will be delivered in September 2012
Ubuntu 12.10 backup servers and agents will be delivered in October 2012
Fedora 18 backup servers and agents will be delivered in November 2012

For more information click here



racetrack employees, Toyota needed a solution that could withstand harsh environments while offering consistently fast and reliable performance at the same time.

Before Peplink, Toyota Racing relied on a satellite Internet connection, which was weather-dependent and unreliable. The team decided to give the MAX 700 a try. Featuring SpeedFusion, the MAX drives record-setting performance, dependability, and durability for Toyota Racing.


  • Deployed a Pepwave MAX 700 on the racetrack and a Peplink Balance 310 at the office
  • Bonded multiple aircards for higher bandwidth and seamless failover using SpeedFusion

Winning factors:

  • SpeedFusion delivers more bandwidth and secure VPN connections
  • Seamless failover ensures high reliability

For more information about Pepwave MAX click here



 Astaro and Sophos technologies. Starting from Monday 16 July Sophos UTM 9 (the new version of the Astaro Security Gateway) delivers unified threat management complete with endpoint protection.

With UTM 9, you can expect these highlights:

  • Endpoint Protection: This new subscription blocks malware and prevents data loss. Sophos innovative approach and Sophos LiveConnect let you manage all endpoints no matter where they are – even outside of your network. Your computers are always up-to-date and you can roll out new policies at any time.
  • Integrated Sophos antivirus engine: By using two commercial antivirus engines (Sophos and Avira) Sophos even improved performance of the antivirus detection. This allows you to run different antivirus scanners on your gateway and on the endpoints and comply with IT security recommendations.
  • HTML5-VPN-Portal: This feature allows you to implement a browser based application portal using HTML5. Your users gain secure remote access to internal network resources through applications like VNC, remote desktop, SSH and many more – without installing software or leaving any traces behind.
  • Wireless hotspot support: You can provide guests and visitors with temporary internet access based on vouchers. These vouchers define the validity period, time quota and data volume and can be easily created from within the end-user portal.
  • Many new features: New webAdmin GUI look, customizable dashboard, Apple iOS support for WebAdmin (and other touch enabled devices), 1:1 NAT Rules, SSL VPN without admin rights, HA/Clustering Cold-Standby option during Up2Date, new constant Live-Log button, support for network definition ranges, download and distribution of user VPN configurations, better support of virtualization platforms from Vmware, KVM, Citrix and HyperV, time-based wireless networks, site path routing for webserver protection, protection against modern ddos attcks like starvation attacks slow hhtp attacks and other, support for international characters & spaces in SSL VPN, multiple path routing support in BGP.

For more information click here