Σύντομα η νέα έκδοση του Communigate Pro κοντά μας. Προς το παρόν διαθέσιμη η έκδοση Release Candidate 4.
Η εταιρία CommuniGate Systems, ο αδιαφιλονίκητος πρωταγωνιστής στις λύσεις επικοινωνιών μέσω internet, παρουσιάζει την εξελιγμένη έκδοση του συστήματος CommuniGate Pro με νέες δυνατότητες κλιμακωτής υποδομής (scalability), εφαρμογών και δυνατοτήτων. Το προϊόν θα επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους με το πρωτόκολλο SIP με τον πιό εύκολο τρόπο. Επίσης υπάρχουν μεγάλες βελτιώσεις στο interface, καθιστώντας εξαιρετικά εύκολη τη διαχείριση του συστήματος.
Περισσότερα στην ηλ. διεύθυνση:
The Astaro Command Center V 1.0 allows the central management of Astaro Security Gateways in works such as concerning the definition of policies of safety, parametrization of applications, control of situation, briefing of publications etc. The flexible interface that is based entirely on Web, offers a total picture of situation of Astaro Security Gateways, giving the occasion in the administrator of systems to intervene when in need. Using the last technologies as AJAX, (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) the user sees immediately the changes that become without delay, something very important in case of total management of many ASG appliances.
More details in link: ACC V 1.0
NSS Company advanced in the collaboration with Stalker Company with regard to the disposal of her products in Greek and Cypriot market.
Communigate Pro 5.0 is a powerful platform of communication management that is addressed in companies seriously occupied in the essential organisation of communications aiming at the diffusion of knowledge in all levels and its’ management from the administration having as objective the correct decision-making. Also, the replacement of other simple systems of management from CommuniGate Pro, contributes essential upgrade of capabilities with bearable cost.
The basic difference between the electronic correspondence and other technologies of communication, is that the electronic correspondence is a means of communication the data of which continue and exist for future use. That is to say, the messages of electronic correspondence are not transmitted simply, but are recorded and they remain in the postal case of sender and recipient for future report or until they are erased. These messages do not only include the text but also other data, as elements of sender, the recipient, notifications, attach files etc, therefore the systems of electronic correspondence are actually systems of management of knowledge. It has been observed in deed that in most companies the system of electronic correspondence is bigger by volume information concerning the rests. In practice it is perhaps the most important system, that in deed was initially drawn for simple communication of messages of text from one user to another, but with the time changed and its role was upgraded completely. The companies henceforth need a system that could extend itself and allow the users to be possible to communicate and to collaborate via this, maintaining the complete safety of information that is trafficked in. This information, does not include more simple electronic messages but contributes in complete electronic management of contacts, electronic management of work, notes, electronic management of meetings, up to telephone calls via internet and complete concretisations of electronic telephone centres (IP-PBX).
Beginning with the development of electronic correspondence, we speak for completed systems of communication management. The system CommuniGatePro is a completed platform of management of communications (unifiedmessaging system) that includes multiple services of communication such as SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, SIP that can be supported from various customers (clients) or via Web. Apart from the electronic correspondence, the system offers incorporated index/directory LDAP, timetable (via Outlook, via Web, or even via iCAL or vCAl), management of notes, files, management of postal lists etc. A basic characteristic of the system is the support of multiple platforms of functional systems such as Linux, Windows, Unix, Mac OS, AS/400 and other that in its entirety exceed them the thirty (30) combinations functional/hardware. The system has been drawn in order to function with the use of multiple instruments with internal mechanisms (active & dynamic clustering) so that we speak for a solution without limits, that are suitable beginning from a company of few individuals until organisms with needs for more from 10.000.000 users. The price list is shaped proportionally, rendering the system very accessible beginning from 580,00 € for 25 users.