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New Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard Delivers on the Sophos Galileo Vision

The new Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard delivers on the Sophos Galileo vision for connecting both Network and Endpoint, all while giving partners increased visibility to their business.

Designed exclusively for Sophos channel partners, the Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard provides unified management tools to remotely manage and service both Sophos Cloud accounts and Copernicus firewalls. Actionable information gives partners greater visibility and control over their business, and highlights opportunities to facilitate business growth.

The new interface will become available on October 6, 2015. Highlights of the new Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard include:

1) Easy access using our new direct log in page which uses the same log in credentials as the Sophos Partner Portal. And, partners can still access the Sophos Cloud dashboard directly from within Sophos Partner Portal.

2) Visibility to both Sophos Copernicus Firewall and Sophos Cloud customers: Partners can see a comprehensive list of firewalls and Sophos Cloud accounts (including trial users), which protection services are deployed, and expiration and usage details.

3) Aggregated view of Sophos Cloud customer alerts: For partners providing IT security services, the new Partner Dashboard offers aggregated alerts for an at-a-glance view of customer alerts, enabling prioritized and fast response.

4) One-click access to each customer’s cloud management console: From the Partner Dashboard, partners can easily access the managed account’s Cloud console with a single click, from both the account details and the alerts view.

5) Single sign on to Sophos Cloud Firewall Manager: When Copernicus Firewall launches, partners will be able to access Sophos Cloud Firewall Manager (CFM) directly from the Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard. CFM is Sophos’ all-new centralized management console for Copernicus Firewall, enabling partners to manage all firewall devices from a single screen in the cloud.

6) Create Sophos Cloud trial accounts: Partners can provision new trial accounts directly from within the Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard. This compliments the Sophos trial referral link program to promote Sophos Cloud free trial while protecting your leads.

7) Easily convert accounts: When a Sophos Cloud order is processed, the partner receives the license schedule with an activation code. To activate the account, simply apply the activation code.

For more information and a preview of the new Sophos Cloud Partner Dashboard, please download this PowerPoint file.