Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Sophos Synchronized Security awarded Best Threat Intelligence Technology at the SC Awards 2019 Europe

Cybersecurity isn’t getting any easier. To better understand the day-to-day reality for IT teams we recently commissioned a survey of 3,100 IT managers in 12 countries.

This independent, vendor-agnostic study revealed a number of common challenges:

  • Security: 68% of organizations had experienced a threat that got through their defenses in the last year, 90% of which were running up-to-date cybersecurity at the time.
  • Visibility: 43% of network traffic is unclassified, meaning IT teams are unable to see and control it.
  • Resourcing: 2 in 3 IT managers say their budgets for cybersecurity (technology and people) is too low, and 80% wish they had a stronger security team in place.

As these results show, despite ongoing investment in cybersecurity the traditional approach isn’t working. Why? Because cybercriminals connect multiple techniques in their advanced attacks, but most security products still work in isolation.

It’s time for a different approach.

Synchronized Security is the cybersecurity system where Sophos endpoint, network, mobile, Wi-Fi, email, and encryption products work together, sharing information in real time and responding automatically to incidents:

  • Isolate infected endpoints, blocking lateral movement
  • Restrict Wi-Fi for non-compliant mobile devices
  • Scan endpoints on detection of compromised mailboxes
  • Revoke encryption keys if a threat is detected
  • Identify all apps on the network

Everything is managed through a single, web-based management console, so you can see and control all your security in one place.

The Best Threat Intelligence Technology at the SC Awards 2019 Europe is testimony to how Synchronized Security is transforming the way organizations manage their security.

By automating incident response, delivering new security insights, and simplifying management  it reduces risk, enhances cross-estate visibility, and enables organizations to scale their security without scaling their resources.

Watch this short video to hear what our customers have to say about Synchronized Security.

Read the original article, here.