Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Sophos Home detects 100% of Mac malware in independent tests!

Mac malware is on the rise. While Apple does provide system protection for MacOS Sierra, dangerous infections that can wreak havoc are consistently being developed and deployed by cybercriminals.

That’s why we created Sophos Home to protect every Mac in your home with business-grade security. To show you just what Sophos Home is made of independent testing lab AV-Test put it to the test, along with 11 other MacOS security tools.

Our free commercial-grade home security was able to detect 100 percent of the Mac malware the testing lab threw at it, placing us at the top of the pack! Plus, it fully removed all the malware samples.


Read the full report to find out how we did in all areas of the testing. And, most importantly, ensure your Mac stays ahead of the threats – download Sophos Home for FREE today!

You can read the original article, here.