Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Logpoint: Introducing… LogPoint Free!

We are excited to announce that we are introducing a new way of experiencing LogPoint! LogPoint Free is a completely free version of LogPoint, which lets you ingest up to 350 events per second (eps), from up to 10 nodes.

LogPoint Free provides full LogPoint functionality, access to support, Help Center and Community.

Free Extension

The LogPoint Free license runs for 90 days but can be extended for free upon request. You can also easily upgrade to a LogPoint license if needed.

Is LogPoint Free for you?

LogPoint Free is designed for you to get full access to the functionality of our proven LogPoint technology and the entire LogPoint and ecosystem. Whether you are testing the solution for your business, or simply have personal, ad hoc needs for search, analytics and visualization of data – LogPoint Free is for you.

What is included in LogPoint Free?

We like to keep things simple and transparent: Full functionality!

Some highlights of what’s included:

  • Easily upgrade the license and keep all configured intelligence if you decide to upgrade
  • Your favorite analytics tools: Search, Alerting, Reporting, Dashboards
  • Unlimited number of users
  • Access to the knowledgebase and selected applications
  • Full access to our awesome community

What happens if…

350 eps refer to the amount of data you can add per second. If you go above the 350 eps, the events exceeding the limit will simply be dropped without any penalty to functionality. There is no limit on storage, which is only constrained by the supporting hardware. If you need more than 350 eps or 10 nodes, easily upgrade to a LogPoint license suited to your needs. Support is included with LogPoint Free, but please note that response time is “best effort.”

You can download LogPoint Free completely for free HERE – get running in less than 5 minutes!

You can read the original article, here.