Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Sophos is very excited to announce the new Sophos Mobile Control 6.1

Mobile devices… everybody has them. We use them every day (sometimes for large parts of the day) for increasingly productive and amazing things – to take selfies, peruse the news, surf the web, compose music, send saucy text messages, make art, and other creative things.

Most also want to use them at work – to read work emails, view and share files, access the company intranet, check the latest revenue spreadsheets, make last-minute edits to the big presentation, and so on. But with the explosion of mobile device usage in business comes the inevitable headache of ensuring that all sensitive and confidential company information stays secure. Data protection regulations must be followed, security policies need to be adhered to and intellectual property must be kept confidential.

As the devices in an organization multiply like rabbits, overworked and understaffed IT departments have to work hard to not lose control. Employees bring their own smartphones and computers to work and expect the same level of access as with corporate-owned devices, which is enough to give any IT admin nightmares.

The best way to cope, while continuing to allow users to work the way they want and to be as productive as possible, is to find a solution that can manage all devices with one secure, time-saving and super-simple solution. Sophos Mobile Control does just that.

We’re very excited to announce the new Sophos Mobile Control 6.1, where in addition to managing traditional iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices you can now also manage Windows 10 laptops, desktops and tablets from the same console. This lets you rest easy knowing you have a uniform company and security policy in place – both for company and privately-owned devices, regardless of whether it’s a phone, desktop or laptop.

Even if contractors, consultants or employees bring a personal Windows 10 laptop to the office, enrollment, provisioning email and granting access to company resources is done with a few clicks in the straightforward management console. It’s also equally easy for the user to remove the computer from company control when access is no longer needed.

Contain yourself, and your users

An additional complication with using privately-owned devices in a company is to make sure that business data stays safe and separated from personal information on the device. Users want their information to stay private and companies want to control access to their sensitive data.

Sophos Mobile Control 6.1 lets you easily configure powerful encrypted containers for documents, emails, calendars and contacts across different OS versions and different devices. If a device becomes compromised or goes missing, access to the data in the containers can instantly be removed by IT. You can even create access control restrictions based on time, Wi-Fi or geo-location.

Best of all, when a user leaves the company, the IT admin can simply remove access to the containers without having to resort to wiping the entire device. Those collections of cat pictures, funky tunes and retro monophonic ringtones are totally safe!

All this means that with Sophos Mobile Control 6.1 you will spend less time and effort managing devices, but you’ll still allow users to be as productive with mobile devices in your business as they deserve to be, without any of the associated risk.

Read more about Sophos Mobile Control. Try the demo now!

You can read the original article here.