Cyber Security Elements by NSS

6 things you’ll love about Sophos Mobile Control 6.0

It’s 2016, so why are we still talking about mobile security like it’s a new thing? Maybe it’s because too many organizations still don’t realize the size of the risk, or they just aren’t aware of what their users are up to.

One of today’s biggest threats to the security and confidentiality of company information is data on the move between employee work and personal devices and cloud services.

According to the analyst and research firm Ovum, two-thirds (66%) of employees say they use personal smartphones for work. Yet when asked what percentage of their users are doing work on personal smartphones, employers are way off the mark, saying just 26% of workers do so.

Sophos has an answer for the new mobile reality, enabling the mobile workforce but securing company data without compromise – Sophos Mobile Control (SMC).

We’re already an industry leader and visionary in enterprise mobility management (EMM). And now I’m excited to introduce the newest version of SMC (6.0), bringing a host of new capabilities to keep your mobile workforce secure wherever they work and however they like to work.

You’re going to love the new SMC. These are the top six things that we think make SMC the best tool for mobile management and security, boosting productivity and user convenience, while giving you complete control.

1. Security and privacy for their data and yours.

SMC offers secure, encrypted containers to keep user and corporate data separate. Users have the convenience of a single device for business and personal use, without compromising corporate data security. Sophos Secure Email protects your business email, calendar and contacts from unauthorized access.

2. Corporate Browser = secure access to corporate websites, without additional passwords!

Push the most used and necessary corporate websites to employees via the Corporate Browser feature. Once a user logs into the Sophos container, they can access corporate websites without an additional password. Convenience and security – it’s a win-win.

3. Don’t wait to collaborate.

Let’s face it, employees are increasingly using personal cloud storage services for easy access to work files. It’s convenient for them, but a liability for you. SMC offers Secure Workspace, giving employees the flexibility they need with safe cloud storage.

Allow your people to easily share files, but keep them top secret. Simply and securely distribute important files to employees on the move. SMC integrates with SafeGuard Encryption for an additional layer of security, so data is protected no matter where it goes.

4. SMC’s no-nonsense approach to non-compliant devices.

Trust, but verify. SMC gives you easy control and enforcement of policies, so you can keep non-compliant devices from accessing company data. Enforce policies for passwords, rooting of devices, and unsafe apps, and quarantine devices with unsecure settings. It’s easier than ever to remote lock and wipe lost or stolen devices. You can also control access to app stores, and restrict access to insecure public Wi-Fi, NFC and Bluetooth.

5. Tell them to “Do it yourself.” Simple self-service frees up IT by reducing requests.

IT admins need a break from constant requests for simple but time-sucking requests, like resetting passwords or configuring corporate email. With our super-simple self-service portal, users can help you by helping themselves.

6. Simple security for mobile productivity.

SMC is more than just a mobility management solution – unlike other EMM solutions, SMC is from an industry-leading security vendor. Easy to integrate with your endpoint, encryption and network security, SMC puts security first, without sacrificing user productivity.

Plus, SMC is easy to deploy the way you want. Manage SMC yourself with our on-premise solution, or have it hosted by Sophos as a service – no installation, and no maintenance required.

The bottom line

Your users are accessing corporate data on their personal mobile devices more and more, creating management and security challenges. But you don’t have to accept that risk, and you can do something about it.

Sophos Mobile Control allows you to keep your users productive while securing all your mobile devices with minimal IT effort.

Try SMC for free at

You can read the original article here.