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Cable Bahamas Launches Unified Communications

Cable Bahamas branded its new Unified Communications platform “CoralWave Pronto!.” The SaaS offering was launched with a first modular offering, bringing e-mail, instant messaging, VideoMail and calendaring to all its subscribers immediately. CoralWave is already planning a second roll-out of Pronto! modules for Value Added Service in early 2009, including My Stuff, where CoralWave subscribers can create their own personal storage of Rich Media, playback their favorite music and view family photo albums all via the web 2.0 client CoralWave Pronto!.

“This is one of the most dynamic online platforms we’ve seen for Unified Communications and online living,” says David Burrows, Director of Marketing. “Imagine a world where all the functions you need for online living come in one seamless, integrated interface. Imagine a world where, when you log in to check your email, you gain automatic access to your photographs, your contacts, your calendar, your music, your video email, and your instant messages while you drag and drop your photographs into your own personal web space and blog about your day, all while listening to your music. This is what our customers will have access to with CoralWave Pronto!. We are very excited to bring this innovation to our subscribers.”

“When building a UC as SaaS offering, there are some key criteria to meet: Multi-tenancy, high density, scalability, reliability and a very intuitive web 2.0 client,” says Sophia Walker, Director of Information Technology. “CommuniGate Pro and Pronto! met all these critical points and exceeded our core requirements.”

“Increasing customer loyalty with value added services is the way Network Operators of tomorrow need to go now,” explains Jon R. Doyle, VP Business Development CommuniGate Systems. “Cable Bahamas puts itself in a perfect position to remain the leading provider in the Bahamas by reducing churn rates and placing value on top of its access products.”

Click here to find out CoralWave Pronto!.