Cyber Security Elements by NSS

What Sophos senior management is saying about our vision of Synchronized Security (Video)

A lot of people are talking about our new Sophos XG Firewall with Security Heartbeat and our vision of synchronized security. Our customers and partners, industry analysts, and the security press are talking about it. There’s a buzz in the air.

And with good reason. You hear phrases like “revolutionary,” “game changing” and “the next thing in next-gen.” Synchronized security is very big deal.

It took all of us at Sophos coming together to execute our strategy of synchronized security. But who better to talk about what synchronized security means for us, and the broader security industry, than those who set the vision and strategy that guide our company? The Sophos senior management team, led by our CEO Kris Hagerman, recently sat down to record their thoughts in a short video.

Kris talks about the challenges the security industry is facing –  the increasing attacks, and the growing sophistication and coordination of the attackers. The old security strategies just aren’t enough anymore.

Traditionally the answer has been adding a whole bunch of security products – like security guards protecting a castle – and then adding more when that doesn’t work. Sophos is coordinating those protectors like no one has before.

“What we’re doing at Sophos, really for the first time, is we’re giving those guards radios,” Kris says. “So we’re giving the individual products, the security guards, the chance to communicate with each other.”

“For the first time, we’re taking the next-gen firewall technology and the Sophos endpoint technology, and having them communicate. Putting a heartbeat, putting a pulse between these two formerly isolated islands within security defenses,” says Chief Marketing Officer Matt Fairbanks.

Sophos Chief Technology Officer Joe Levy says the industry has been using the right “ingredients” for security, but not the right “recipe.” Sophos Security Heartbeat allows network and endpoint to exchange contextual information, forming a complete security system.

“Synchronized security is the future of the direction that security is going to have to go. While we as a vendor are the first to deliver this, I consider it inevitable that the rest of the industry follow suit,” Joe says.

Watch the video to hear more from our leadership team about our vision for synchronized security, and what makes it so emblematic of our mission of “security made simple.”

Υou can read the original article, here.