Cyber Security Elements by NSS

5 great new things in Sophos Mobile Control 5

Sophos announced the availability of Sophos Mobile Control 5, which redefines how organizations secure mobile devices by focusing on users and the way they work. By securing devices, content, and applications with a user-centric approach, Sophos Mobile Control 5 (SMC 5) makes compliance with corporate security policy simple for both administrator and end users across iOS 8, Windows Phone and Android platforms. 

To get you acquainted with what’s new, here are 5 great things about SMC 5.

1. Simplified dashboard and workflows. 

Instead of configuring, updating and managing each device individually, you can manage rights based on user. IT managers only have to set one policy, from any remote location, to manage the security of corporate content stored on the device or in a personal cloud. SMC 5 also provides administrators with filtering, exporting, sorting, and search across multiple dimensions. This means “find and fix” activities are done in seconds. 

2. Secure collaboration between users and partners. 

Collaboration between users and partners, and sharing data between devices and the cloud, is all made easier with Secure Workspace in SMC 5. With this mobile workspace, data is automatically encrypted and decrypted between users, applications and cloud environments, so that users can take full advantage of their mobile devices without worrying about security or data loss. 

3. Separation of personal and business data. 

With more workers choosing to use their personal devices for business, IT faces the complexity of managing corporate security and adhering to personal data privacy laws. Containerization and separation of personal from corporate information means business security and user peace of mind. 

4. A redesigned self-service portal saves you time. 

The simplified self-service portal allows users to quickly enroll their devices. Simple touchscreen workflows and an intuitive design make it easy for users to take care of their own needs, freeing up your time. 

5. Security that works better together. 

When we design for users it’s not just about the devices and data that need to be protected, but also the systems they interact with. We believe in building products that work better together, delivering security as a system. SMC 5 provides seamless integration into our UTM offering, which improves security by only allowing managed devices on the network. SMC 5 also manages Sophos Mobile Security to deliver anti-malware for Android devices. 

Watch this video to get a closer look at SMC 5. If you’ve been waiting for SMC to support Windows Phone 8.1 or iOS 8, the wait is over. Go to our knowledgebase article for more information on how to upgrade to SMC 5.

You can read the original article here.