Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Sophos UTM is faster than Fortinet, Dell SonicWALL and WatchGuard: The test results that prove it

Independent test vendor Miercom has done rigorous testing of the Sophos SG Series alongside comparative appliances from other vendors. We shared some data points from Miercom earlier this year which looked very good indeed. Now Miercom has made available more results – and I don’t think you will be disappointed.

The report includes measurement of throughput for Firewall, Firewall + Application Control and Firewall + IPS (Intrusion Prevention System). Miercom also looked at how many new TCP connections can be established per second by each device.

In the firewall test, the SG appliances were so fast they didn’t come anywhere near their limits and allowed traffic to flow freely at the 3Gbps maximum.

Miercom had to install an extra port module with more ports and run traffic in both directions in order to reach the limit.


You can read the original article, here.