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How malware works: Anatomy of a drive-by download web attack

In the spirit of sharing our knowledge, we’d like to show you a pretty great infographic that explains in visual format how a web attack works. As you can see in the infographic below, a web attack happens in five stages, and this whole process takes less than a second. The web is the number one source of malware (a term that combines “malicious” and “software”), and the majority of these malware threats come from what is called a drive-by download.

5 Stages of a Web Attack

The term drive-by download describes how malware can infect your computer simply by visiting a website that is running malicious code (Stage 1: entry point).

Most of the time, these are legitimate websites that have been compromised to redirect you to another site controlled by the hackers (Stage 2: distribution).

Today’s cybercriminals use sophisticated malware packaged in an “exploit kit” that can find a vulnerability in your software among thousands of possibilities.

When your browser is redirected to the site hosting an exploit kit, it probes your operating system, web browser and other software (such as your PDF reader or video player) to find a security vulnerability that it can attack (Stage 3: exploit).

Remember — if you are not applying security updates to your operating system and software, you are unprotected against these exploits.

Once the exploit kit has identified a vulnerability, that is where Stage 4: infection begins. In the infection phase of an attack, the exploit kit downloads what is known as a “payload,” which is the malware that installs itself on your computer.

Finally, in Stage 5: execution, the malware does what it was designed to do, which is mainly to make money for its masters.

The malware known as Zbot can access your email or bank accounts. Another type of payload called ransomware can hold your files hostage until you pay to have them released.

This kind of attack happens all the time. But you don’t have to be a victim. Download our checklist of technology, tools and tactics for effective web protection to find out how you can protect your organization from malware attacks at every step of the way. You should also check out our free whitepaper explaining how malware works and offering tips to help you stop it: Five Stages of a Web Malware Attack. (Registration required). 

You can read the original article here.