Cyber Security Elements by NSS

HelpSystems. Celebrating 10 Years of Cobalt Strike

Can you believe it? Cobalt Strike is 10 years old! Think back to the summer of 2012. The Olympics were taking place in London. CERN announced the discovery of a new particle. The Mars Rover, Curiosity, successfully landed on the red planet. And despite the numerous eschatological claims of the world ending by December, Raphael Mudge diligently worked to create and debut a solution unique to the cybersecurity market.

Raphael designed Cobalt Strike as a big brother to Armitage, his original project that served as a graphical cyber-attack management tool for Metasploit. Cobalt Strike quickly took off as an advanced adversary emulation tool ideal for post-exploitation exercises by Red Teams.

Flash forward to 2022 and not only is the world still turning, Cobalt Strike continues to mature, having become a favorite tool of top cybersecurity experts. The Cobalt Strike team has also grown accordingly, with more members than ever working on research activities to further add features, enhance security, and fulfill customer requests. With version 4.7 nearly ready, we’re eager to show you what we’ve been working on.

However, we’d be remiss not to take a moment to pause and thank the Cobalt Strike user community for all you’ve done to contribute over the years to help this solution evolve. But how could we best show our appreciation? A glitter unicorn card talking about “celebrating the journey”? A flash mob dance to Hall & Oates’ “You Make My Dreams Come True”? Hire a plane to write “With users like you, we’ve Cobalt Struck gold!” It turns out that that it is very difficult to express gratitude in a non-cheesy way, but we’ve tried our best with the following video:

Source: HelpSystems