Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Securing remote working with Sophos Mobile

The increase in remote working is driving greater use of mobile devices for business purposes. In this article we explore how Sophos Mobile can help you keep your devices and data secure, and how to balance privacy, security and productivity.

Setting up remote employees

Not everyone has the option to use a corporate-owned device and you may need to enable people to start using personal devices for work. Sophos Mobile lets you to secure any combination of personal and corporate-owned devices with minimal effort.

Users can easily set up their personal macOS, Windows 10, or mobile devices via the flexible self-service portal; they can enroll their device, reset passwords, and get help, all without any involvement from IT.

Balancing privacy and security

In Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scenarios, you need to protect and control business email and data without intruding on your users’ privacy. The container-only management capabilities in Sophos Mobile let you control corporate content in the Sophos Secure Email and Sophos Secure Workspace apps without requiring management of the mobile device itself. This way, your users’ personal information remains private, while company resources are protected.

Protecting against mobile threats

10% of threats are discovered on mobile devices according to our recent survey of 3,100 IT Managers. Sophos Mobile includes Intercept X for Mobile which leverages our Intercept X deep learning engine to protect your users, their devices and corporate data from known and never-before-seen mobile threats. Intercept X for Mobile also gives your users easy-to-use security tools right at their fingertips, such as the Authenticator, Password Safe, Secure QR Code Scanner and Privacy Advisor.

Set up is as simple as downloading the app from the relevant app store and then enrolling your device via the Corporate management tool.

Your users can also use Intercept X for Mobile for free to protect their personal devices – they can simply download and start using today.

Read our help guide for more information on using Intercept X for Mobile.

Keeping employees safe on the web

Intercept X for Mobile also helps you keep your users safe on the web, stopping risky file types being downloaded, and blocking access to inappropriate websites to maintain productivity and compliance. Read our step-by-step guidelines for creating a Web Filtering policy.

Monitoring and control

Compliance policies in Sophos Mobile help ensure mobile devices are used appropriately – both from a security and business policy perspective. For example, you can:

  • Ensure that only reputable apps are downloaded from the relevant app stores
  • Block the sideloading of a potentially dangerous app
  • Restrict access to business resources
  • Allow, forbid or enforce certain features of a device
  • Define actions that are executed when a compliance rule is violated

You can create separate compliance policies and assign them to different device groups, allowing you to apply appropriate levels of security and access for your users and devices. See the full list of available compliance rules.

For more information and general configuration steps for both Sophos Mobile and Intercept X for Mobile, take a look at the comprehensive help guide.
