Cyber Security Elements by NSS

MailStore Version 24.2.2 Is Now Available!

Today we have released a new version of our email archiving solutions. Version 24.2.2 for MailStore Server, the MailStore Service Provider Edition and MailStore Home comes with two small but useful improvements that we didn’t want to keep from you until the next quarterly release. We recommend that all customers install this update.

The Improvements of MailStore Version 24.2.2

Firstly, the extraction of text from PDF attachments has been moved to a separate process. This improves the stability of PDF indexing when email attachments containing PDFs are archived.

Secondly, the bug has been fixed that users who have been synchronized from an Active Directory and have MailStore Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) active cannot log in MailStore using Windows authentication.

Certification: Meeting Data Privacy Requirements

The existing GDPR certification for our software remain unaffected for MailStore Version 24.2.2. You can find all information on the certifications here.


You can download MailStore version 24.2.2 free of charge from our website.

If your MailStore Server Update & Support Service has expired, please contact us to purchase an upgrade that will allow you to use the latest version of MailStore Server. Read here to find out about other good reasons for having an active Update & Support Service in place.

Interested companies can also download MailStore Server as part of a free, 30-day trial. If you are an MSP and are interested in offering email archiving as a service based on the MailStore SPE, please contact our sales team at Alternatively, you can sign up as an authorized MailStore Partner with us right now for free.

Source: MailStore