Cyber Security Elements by NSS

AV-Test results show Sophos beats Kaspersky, Trend, McAfee and Symantec in stopping Mac malware

For the first time, AV-Test has released test results comparing malware protection for Macs among 18 major security vendors. The results show a wide disparity in protection against Mac OS X malware. Sophos came out near the top with a 96.6% detection rate. Our Mac protection was better than Kaspersky, Trend Micro, Symantec and McAfee. You can see the full results at the AV-Test website. AV-Comparatives tests also show Sophos protects Macs better — and we won’t slow Macs down either. According to the Register, the AV-Comparatives tests showed that Sophos “aced the test.”

 Protect your Macs

Malware targeting Mac OS X isn’t as widespread as malware for Windows and Android, but the threat is real and growing. And with more businesses expecting to add Macs in the future, protecting them will need to be a top priority. You need security that works not just for Windows malware, but for Macs and mobile devices too.

Visit to see how Sophos beats the other security vendors, from protection to performance, compatibility, and price.

You can read the original article, here.