Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Phishers try flattery with Facebook Page owners

a bogus message supposedly sent from Facebook Security.

According to Hoax-Slayer, the scam claims that Facebook is rolling out a new security feature to protect Page owners.

This supposed new security feature is dubbed the “Fan Page Verification Program”.

It does a nice job of flattering suck-up to entice victims into coughing up their Facebook login details, telling targets that they’ve had ever so many stolen Pages lately, and they simply can’t think of what to do about it except just, well, throw up their hands and Delete them all – yes, Delete those bad, bad Pages, with a capital “D”.

All the stolen Pages, that is, except yours, which, gosh, is so popular with its “High Quality Content”.

The message tells victims that they have to click a link and choose a 10-digit security code to complete the process.

Those who don’t comply will see their Page suspended permanently if the process isn’t completed by May 30, 2013, they go on to say.

Here’s an example of this scammy letter that Hoax Slayer posted on Friday: 

Dear Facebook User,

You are receiving this message to notify you about the new security feature from Facebook called “Fan Page Verification Program”.

After many Fan Pages have been stolen lately leaving us no choice but Deleting them forever, we had to come up with an original solution about the Fan Page’s Security.

Luckily, your Fan Page, has a lot of likes and provides High Quality Content, which qualify it for this program.
To complete this process you must choose a 10-digit number (it can be any number) and that number will be assigned as your Security code”. This code will be the new passphrase for changing anything important for your Fan Page, like the Admin roles or other important settings.

Please be aware that this process it’s open only until 30.05.2013 and it’s mandatory to complete it. If you don’t, your Fan Page will be suspended permanently since it is not considered safe for the wide audience.
Please visit the link below to complete the process:

[Malicius Link]

Facebook Security

Anybody who falls for it and clicks on the link will be whisked away to a spot where they’re told to submit Facebook login details and the so-called 10-digit “Transferring Code”.

Click here to see the original article.