Cyber Security Elements by NSS

Array Networks Unveils New Virtual Secure Access Gateway for Cloud and Virtualized Environments

improved economics for protection of private and public clouds.

Powered by Array’s award-winning 64-bit SpeedCore platform, the new product gives enterprises and service providers the ability to run Array’s proven AG Series secure access gateways as virtual machines on commodity servers running VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer or OpenXen hypervisors.

Each vxAG Virtual Secure Access Gateway supports all of the features and functions found on Array’s dedicated hardware AG 1000 Series secure access gateways. Available for 64-bit versions of VMware ESXi 4.1 or later, XenServer 5.6 or later and OpenXen 4.0 or later, the vxAG Virtual Secure Access Gateway gives enterprises and service providers the agility and flexibility to create and offer dynamic secure access services.

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