Cyber Security Elements by NSS

NSS new GlobalSign’s Partner

NSS announced the beginning of the partnership with one of the top Certification Authorities, GlobalSign. GlobalSign is a real leader in public trust services since the very birth of the commercial Internet.

GlobalSign Certificates are trusted by all popular browsers, Operating Systems, devices, and applications. GlobalSign is an expert in providing trusted Certificates and secure mobile technology to cellular and mobile devices.

GlobalSign has been securing identities, websites and transactions, worldwide, since 1996. Global Sign’s fast facts would surely persuade you:
• Issued over 1.4 million Digital Certificates / Digital IDs to people, web sites and machines.
• Issued over 200,000 SSL server Certificates.
• Over 20 million Certificates worldwide rely on the public trust provided by the GlobalSign root.
• Global Offices in the Europe (UK and Belgium), US, Japan and China.
• Part of the GMO Internet Inc group of companies (ticker symbol TSE:9449).
• Member of the CAB Forum, Anti-Phishing Working Group and adopter member of the Trusted Computing Group.

Example Customers of GlobalSign are Virgin, BBC, Fujitsu Siemens, Toshiba, Motorola, Toyota, Novartis, Vodafone and Skype.

More about Global Sign at