Fortra. The top 5 benefits of remote network monitoring (RMON)

Remote network monitoring allows IT to stay connected and monitor their organization’s network infrastructure from anywhere in the world. Remote network monitoring offers convenience and flexibility for network engineers managing off-site networks, IT consultants monitoring traffic for clients, managed service providers, or network administrators who simply couldn’t be on-prem on a given day.

By enabling IT to check the performance, security, and health of critical network devices at anytime and from anywhere, organizations can significantly minimize downtime. Instead of discovering issues upon returning to work, requiring the assistance of a local technician, or dispatching someone to the facilities, RMON allows IT to rapidly respond to network issues instantly from anywhere in the world.

What’s the Purpose of Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)?

Many modern organizations have network equipment located in multiple locations that they need to manage. Making sure routers, switches, servers, and other network equipment is up and running everywhere is critical to smooth business operations. But geographically-dispersed networks can make ensuring constant uptime a challenge for IT departments.

Also, in a mobile age, you and your staff are not always in a physical office. Sometimes you’re in the field. Sometimes you work from home. Maybe you have IT staff who work remotely and want remote network monitoring access. Can you give key IT personnel access to your network management tools from anywhere, without risking security breaches? Your organization needs the benefits of remote monitoring.

Remote network management allows IT to use tools to manage network performance no matter where your network devices (or you) are located. Think your company could benefit from remote network management and monitoring? Here are five ways remote access benefits you and your IT team.

Top 5 Benefits of Remote Network Monitoring

1. You can monitor remote offices wherever they’re located.

If your network spans multiple locations, a remote network monitoring software allows you to manage devices in every location. For instance, let’s say you manage the network for a school district with various campuses, or are monitoring local and regional branches of a financial institution. Remote monitoring tools give you visibility into how devices in your central location, as well as all the remote locations, are performing. You can also get alerts wherever and whenever performance falters. To easily distinguish office or branch locations, you can set up location-specific network maps tracking device statuses for that particular location.

Remote network management capabilities are especially helpful for companies who have a small team stationed in one spot but are responsible for managing the entire network. With remote network access, if a device goes down, you don’t have to travel to that location to troubleshoot. This saves IT administrators time, increases your productivity, and enables you to rest easy knowing the whole network is under your surveillance.

Consultants responsible for monitoring client networks and managed service providers (MSPs) also benefit from the ability to monitor a remote location without being on site.

2. IT staff in other offices can monitor the network in real time.

If you have IT team members spread out across locations who are responsible for monitoring network performance, remote access enables those IT staff in other offices, cities, branches, or even countries to view network performance in real-time—even if the software server is installed at headquarters.

This means if a device goes down at a remote location, a network guy located there can troubleshoot without necessarily getting you involved. He also doesn’t have to bother you to ask what you’re seeing on your end—he can see up-to-date network maps and metrics for himself.

3. You and your IT staff can be mobile without risking network neglect.

Having remote access to the network means your IT team doesn’t have to be on-site constantly. If you need to work from the coffee shop or at home, with remote access to the network you can still see the status of network devices on your laptop or mobile device. Mobile network monitoring keeps network data at your fingertips so you never risk outages from lack of access.

4. Access levels can be managed to ensure security.

Some network administrators may balk at the idea of remote access because of potential security threats to the network. One way to secure the network is to require encrypted authentication and make sure that every user has to log in the same way.

Another safeguard against security issues is the ability to customize user access. Most remote network monitoring tools allow you to give access at the admin or user level to certain maps or dashboards. Managing access for your users helps tremendously to keep the connection secure.

Also, find a tool that will update and provide patches whenever security holes surface. Although security threats are a fact of life, good tools will quickly notify users when a patch has been released so you can take advantage of increased security measures as soon as possible.

5. With proper connectivity, you’ll always have access.

To get remote access benefits, it simply requires… access. As long as you have direct access to the network via VPN connectivity or point to point, you’ll be able to manage and monitor all the critical devices within your network. Regardless of where you or they are located.

By allowing remote monitoring capabilities for you and your other IT network staff, you give yourself the kind of flexibility that the modern work world requires. You also gain peace of mind that no matter where you are, you can see the whole network at a glance, whether it spans a city, country, or the world.

What Does Remote Network Monitoring Software Help With?

If you’re managing the network across locations or on the go, it’s clear that remote monitoring is essential. Do you have the right tools? Remote network monitoring software can give you the visibility you need to monitor a widespread network.

Create a Dynamic Network Map

Remote network monitoring software like Intermapper allows you to create a dynamic network map, offering a real-time view of your network’s status. With color-coded indicators, you can easily see which devices are functioning and which are experiencing issues. Various map layouts and icon options let you customize the view to reflect your unique IT environment.

Minimize Impact on Users

Remote network monitoring software keeps you informed by sending real-time alerts via text, email, sound, and more whenever there’s a problem. This enables you to address and resolve technology issues swiftly, minimizing impact on users or customers.

Troubleshoot Problems Quicker

Quickly identify and resolve problems across your distributed network in seconds rather than hours. This efficiency saves you and your IT team time, reduces frustration, and ensures customer and user satisfaction.

Source: Fortra